What is included in the preparatory work? - Calor en Casa
Stove cost

What is included in the preparatory work?

By October 27, 2019 February 19th, 2024 No Comments

Preparatory or, rather, auxiliary work. They can be directly related, and are not related to the construction of the furnace.
Associated – the construction or strengthening of the foundation under the stove, the arrangement of openings in the walls, the passage of floors.
These works can be carried out independently by the customer, a third-party contractor or our company according to a separately drawn up estimate.
Non-directly related costs are the costs of arranging auxiliary facilities, without which the construction of a stove is impossible.
These include: the construction of various scaffoldings, temporary stairs, roofing platforms, dust screens, as well as partitions for the machine and the brick turning zone.
All this needs material, fasteners.
It happens that some of these buildings are already available at the construction site previously used in the construction of the house. Sometimes the customer himself provides inventory stacked scaffolding.

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